Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the second side

Beside all interesting things, for instance revolution in arabian countries. Have in mind the second side of the medal. Yes, young people use facebook, twitter and so one. The process in egypt moved forward after cutting the wires to the net! Communication is important, but prices of food were the triggering events, not the availability of social networking tools named above. Intelligence agencies are also able to analyze the networks. So they can find the heads of an movement faster...


Thomas Abendroth said...

For sure the availability of social networks was not the triggering event of the uproar - just a catalyst or something like a transportation medium.

Yes the story even clearly showed that central intelligence agencies of those countries where not only trying to find heads (I think they know SNA as well) but even worse to undermine the networks by diguised takeover of accounts.

Facebook clearly reacted on that, my fear is more: that medium in hands of a company => also room for misuse?

AMP said...

My fear: Facebook is a company (and by the way: not led by Mother Teresa's successors)!