Sunday, January 12, 2014

Social Business as the future of Business

What is social business? Social Business is when an organization is using Social Media in its activities like Marketing People using Facebook, Customer Care department replying via emails, tweets and posts on Facebook etc. How many organizations allow all its employees to do that on behalf of the company? Not many, but there are some who do that. Take for example IBM.

IBM not only uses social business for external communication but they are doing that for internal projects also. They continuously use crowdsourcing to reduce the cost of their internal projects. What’s the best part is that the employees gain points for helping in the crowdsourcing and the employee with maximum points get monetary rewards for his chosen Charity. Isn't it simply awesome? IBM created many products to use social networking like Lotus Connections, Atlas, Domino, Notes etc.

One of them is a network analyzer tool called Atlas. The basic working of its one module is as follows-
You are working in some department and you have got a project on which you need some assistance. You go to Atlas, search for the department. You get the names, profiles and also the pictures of people who have worked on the same type of requirements (Mind it that it’s not public. These are covered in IBM’s privacy policy and it’s visible only when employee choses so). You chose one person and then you are given the list of how to reach him/her via both social and professional contacts by utilizing a network diagram. This way you can continuously increase your colleague network and they are even color coded based on how they are added in your network. They are closer to you in the network if you can directly contact them and far from you in case you can only interact with them indirectly via some other person.

For more information on IBM products see the videos-

There is a chain of videos also on YouTube for- "A man who should have used Lotus Connections". First part in the series is-

Sulabh Gupta [M14 Exchange Student]

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