Thursday, October 23, 2014

Who let the news out?

Introduction / Background
And suddenly, everyone knew and talked about it: Facebook bought Oculus Rift (a company that has never sold one product) and since then, Virtual Reality is a hot topic. 
The digital technology landscape is changing daily: Start-ups, new inventions, the tech giants deliver faster and better products almost daily to the consumer market. While the news about some innovations go viral globally in less than a day, other technologies seem to pass unnoticed. Social Media plays an important role spreading the news: By favoring, liking, sharing, commenting, users vote.
But who are the ones that share the news that go viral, first? On Friday, October 10th, the news about a new VR headset called “VR One” spread rapidly in the tech world. I want to follow that news through Twitter to see who the gatekeepers, bottlenecks, influencers are. For the field of marketing and communications, it is vital to know who influences what people talk about. Social network analysis offers a unique opportunity to explore this.

Primary Question
Who are the Twitter influencers in digital technology, especially Virtual reality, related news?

There are a few individuals / news-sites that functions as gate keepers or spin doctors in the technology news world. These vary from region to region.

I have downloaded two datasets with NodeXL from the Twitter Search Network. The first 100 Tweets with the hashtag #Zeiss VR One and 1000 more Tweets with the same hashtag from three days later. The dataset includes many attributes such as the complete text of the Tweets, whether it was a retweet or a new one. What kind of link the tweets were referring to.

Methodology/Important Network Measures:

The data provides me with a lot of attributes which I can utilize. First, I will analyze which twitter accounts served as the main sources. Using the attributes, I will try to comprehend, whether country or background play a role. Finally, I would like to identify the main influencers of this network.

1 comment:

Christopher Tunnard said...

We've discussed, so no long comment here. Good description of what you'll do, but given your knowledge of the product and company, I would expect to see a bit more insight on how your results can be used by Zeiss. You can get at it by coming up with a sharper Question; yes, you want to know who the influencers are, but what does that mean for current and future marketing efforts, for example?