Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Equaluity - Share your ideas

Think Equal is an initiative by the World Bank that got my attention. Not only because of my interest in womens' rights issues but also because of the way the cause was communicated. Think Equal was twitted, facebooked and youtubed whilst urging people to re-twit or re-post the relevant links.

The effectiveness of social media marketing can be monitored and measured at any time. Though what cannot be predicted is how many people will actually engage to promote a campaign or a cause by using their own personal internet space as a medium, especially since the number of social media users increases rapidly.

Think Equal was a campaign cascaded within the networks of millions of social media users on an international level. Individuals contributed to the initiative with a single click.

If nothing else, the engagement of people to raise awareness of an issue that falls withing their interests such as women rights is indeed remarkable and should be further exploited.

The potential of social media is yet to be further explored...


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