Saturday, October 22, 2011

SNA in a Governmental Organization

The Turkish Ministry of Economy consists of 8 independent units. The Directorate General of Exports is the one that I have been working for almost 6 years.

I prepared a survey (which is very similar to our Consulting Firm case) so as to initiate a SNA on the institutional structure of the Directorate General of Exports (the total sample size is 217).

In order to reach maximum participation level and avoid having possible statistical problems, I have tried to form a sample that averagely represents the structure of the unit. I have chosen 7 Departments (out of 11) under 3 different Deputy Director Generals (out of 4). We have 110 participants all told.

Survey Questions:

1) Gender
2) Date of birth
3) Place of birth
4) Education
5) Title
6) Department
7) Room number
8) Date of entry
9) Main Question (how often you have turned to this person for formal paperwork, information or advice on work-related topics in the past one year? Please enter an answer for everyone, and leave yourself blank)

Never - Seldom - Sometimes - Frequently


In light of the possible findings of this SNA, we will not only able to increase efficiency in our institution but also find opportunity to apply it to all other governmental organizations.


Christopher Tunnard said...

Fine. One question: you say total sample size is 217, then number of participants is 110. Difference?

Christopher Tunnard said...

Also, difference between "seldom" and "sometimes" is difficult to distinguish in English. Does it work better in Turkish? Do you really need both? In English, you could use "occasionally" for both, giving you Never, Occasionally, Frequently...Your call.