Monday, May 9, 2011

A Practical Guide to Social Networks

Scanning the prior posts, it is evident that the majority predominantly associates social networks with social media and in particular with the internet. Needless to say that the several platforms such as “facebook” or “linkedin” provide tremendous information, although I do believe that they should not be overemphasized. However, for organizational success other issues are more significant. A good introduction into different kinds of social networks is given in the HBR paper “A Practical Guide to Social Networks”. In this paper one can find both theory and application in some case studies so that I find it quite informative.


1 comment:

Christopher Tunnard said...

In your reading pack, I sent you a couple of articles co-authored by Bob Cross, and this is another example of his practical, business-oriented advice. He's definitely a believer in the study of informal networks and their impact on organizations