Thursday, October 18, 2012

BBC vs. Wired: Whose news travels on Twitter?

According to a social network analysis conducted by a professor at the University of Arizona, news from BBC, Mashable, and the New York Times has the maximum reach on Twitter, meaning after the news was tweeted, the diffusion and spread were the greatest.

Researchers looked at how many people retweeted the article on their own Twitter feeds, and then how many times it was subsequently retweeted from those accounts and so forth.

“The idea is really to see if we can make some predictions,” Ram says. “What are some attributes of these networks that will help us make predictions? Is it number of followers? Is it engagement of followers?
Is it what time you tweet? Is it who else is tweeting at the same time? Which are the more useful attributes that will help us predict, and therefore will help us give organizations suggestions on how to be more effective in spreading their news?"

The visualization looks like fireworks!

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