Sunday, December 16, 2012

SNA and Profitable partnership in construction projects

We used SNA as a methodology to investigate the organizational structure by observing interactions and relationships among individuals within the organization. In the course of the analysis we could identify obstacles to efficiency and streamline potential bottlenecks of the social network. Use of the tool is not limited to the analysis within a organization. A project in construction industry, which I worked for several years, generally involves sizable amount of companies as a JV partner or subcontractor as well as in its supply chain. Most of the projects takes more than 2 years from signing on dotted line to turning the key, exposing the companies to variable risks. Among the factors making the firms vulnerable social network management with partner companies is a crucial one.
Follow the link to a short research paper which provide a clue about how to frame the profitability of construction project in perspective of SNA. The authors dichotomize the subset of projects by profitability, observe collaboration between firms from different attributes, and calculate degree, density and centrality for comprehensive understanding of the social network. Such a framework could be used in various type of industry, in which relationship with other players in the supply chain is of material importance.

Link to the paper, Social Network Analysis of Collaborative Entries for Construction Firms in International Construction Projects:

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